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Are you a recent NUL graduate? Unemployed? Anxious about the future? No plans? Need coaching and mentorship in growing your intrapersonal (self-leadership) and interpersonal skills (relating with others) and entrepreneurial thinking to grow your brand?Then apply for the High Potentials Leadership Development Programme and learn emotional intelligence, resilience, strategic and critical thinking, deep listening and questioning skills, presentation skills, entrepreneurial thinking, mindful and non-violent communication, cultivating a growth mindset, strengths spotting, creating a strengths-based resume, personal branding and many more!Have access to Masterclasses, be assessed with an international psychometric tool, the Personality Profile Analysis (PPA) from Thomas International and have access to private, online workshops and group coaching using scientific coaching tools from experienced professional coach Ms. Mothepa Ndumo, Founder of Higher Self Career and Executive Coaching and Law Lecturer at the National University of Lesotho (NUL). Full or partial funding is available for graduates in need but funding is limited!Closing date: 5th August 2020 Start date: 1st September 2020Mothepa Makhele-Ndumo

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