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Guess someone has to get to work at am early in the morning, most of these people are still bothering the banana pudding, this is what’s coming to bed. So when someone gets to work they have to hold cold water so they know how to clean offices and buildings so that they can enjoy the winter when they get here they get to indulge down here and they become can and can see for yourself. Can you imagine the cold water at am in Phuptjane, the cold left, the tail is under the cow’s point.

Despite the struggle of this issue, Energy Research Centre (ERC) in collaboration with the high school principal (NUL), they provide warm water, sings, to all the cleaning staff to avoid. The coldness in the morning’s bones. Warm water in the sun (solar thermal) is found on a solar trailer standing before a large school kit. At least a day, we can donate hundred liters, for free!

Just look at the photos and see how happy the staff is with this impression!

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