Maseru- Lerato Albert Mokokoane (28), the founder at Fashion Ekkwaliza Collections ( and graduate with Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies and Sociology; have published the book with Canadian publishing house called Ukiyoto Publishing House. This book was made available on online book marketplaces on the 13th March 2021. Title of the book is My “I Can” Story. One of the greatest political orators in the 21st century is Barack Obama. His election iconic victory speech ‘‘Yes We Can’’ at his first successful run for the White House in 2008 has inspired the title.
I began writing this autobiography when I was still student at NUL and it took me three years and half on average from moment of conception to the completion. And I began to pitch it with reputable publishing houses throughout the world. The pitch suffered hundreds of rejections but I did not give up! As surely as a night will follow a day, and so my dream to book see light of the day. Rejection and failure do hurts but that should not be the reason not endeavoring one more attempt, most of success stories sprung from moving to failure to failure and refusing to quit when times are hard.
This book entails things that happened throughout my life in private and public, good and bad, occurrences of summer time and winter, failures and successes as well as things I wish to accomplish in the future. I found it worthy enough to disclose it and let people know how I overcame struggles, faced my fears, and turned my failures into achievements. I hope this story will act as stimulation in a spirit of the reader to set new personal ambitions as a businessperson, writer, innovator, scholar and/or a goal of some sort.
This book is collection of personal stories about a boy who grew up in the country side. My “I Can” story is the story of a boy born from single mother and meets his father for the first time while he was a teenager. Despite growing up with challenges to make ends meet; he managed climb academic ladder to hold University degree and patent clothing brand. This life story of an achiever-oriented heart that provides lessons that are my life experiences and one may use it as a motivational steering wheel in his or her life. It is about how repeatedly I have shown that I can do irrespective of the insurmountable odds and if I did it: why will you not do it too?
So far so good this book still sells well in the international stage but I would not talk about numbers for now.
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This book is available on the following online book marketplaces;
Amazon eBook-
Amazon Paperback-