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Is it possible to paint a stone with glass? Yes, according to scientists at the National University of Lesotho (NUL) Innovation Hub. The product on the picture was pioneered by Mr Thabang Malataliana and his team. It has since been fine-tuned by a variety of students over the years.

What makes it interesting and different?

First, it is made of a combination of clay and stone found in Lesotho. A mixture of stone and clay is already rare to start with but that’s what makes this product what it is. Second, under high temperates, this stone “breaths” glass. You got it right. Glass. “You may wonder, where do we get the glass from? There answer is, it comes from inside the stone-clay mixture itself,” the scientists say.

If you look at the Picture 2, you see another interesting thing on the stone. The texture. That texture is unique and part of the natural process of the stone formation.

According to the scientists, “although we haven’t proven it, this may as well be the first product of its kind, we have’nt seen anyone use a similar process or make a similar product, not in the available literature.”

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